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Never Too Old To Learn – For Seniors and Technology

Are you a senior interested in making a little more money?  Or are you wondering about starting a business of your own now that you are retired?  Maybe you just like to learn new skills.  How about keeping current with new technology? Studies show that we seniors never stop learning.  And in today’s world with … Read more

How I Make Money Online as a Senior Citizen; It Takes Work!

Want to know how I make money online?  By building my own websites.  Yes, I am a senior citizen earning money online, but it does take work.  This article is not about a get rich quick scheme.  It is about how you can work at home, write about your interests, and earn money.   Introduction This … Read more

Do I Have What It Takes To Be an Entrepreneur?

Do you want to be an entrepreneur?  Have you wondered, “Do I have what it takes to be an entrepreneur? Are you thinking about starting your own business?  Are you tired of the everyday grind of working for someone else?  Will reading this article help me decide if I have what it takes?  Yes, I … Read more