Are you a senior interested in making a little more money? Or are you wondering about starting a business of your own now that you are retired? Maybe you just like to learn new skills. How about keeping current with new technology?
Studies show that we seniors never stop learning. And in today’s world with the internet, that is an easy thing to do. Type in any word in the search engine, and presto! You have thousands of articles and videos to learn from.

What Do You Want To Learn About?
Before you read further, take a moment to think about what it is you want to learn about. Maybe make a list. I love lists, they help me to think clearer. Then I can focus on what is most important.
Your focus can then go in many different directions. Some directions you didn’t even consider! That’s how I found out about building my own websites!
Start making lists from your search results. Or you can bookmark your results. Personally, I like the old pen and paper. Once you have some results, look them over and see what most interests you.
How I Learned About Building a Website
Never in my wildest dreams did I think that I would be building websites. But here I am.
My path to doing so was a circuitous one. I am retired, but my income isn’t enough to pay the bills. I am also a chronic pain sufferer. So I began researching online for ways to earn money keeping in mind that my pain would limit what I could do.
That’s how I stumbled upon building a website. Now I admit I fell for the hype that this person had on his YouTube video. I am just now starting to make money (after a couple years here). He made it sound like I would make money in a month or two.
But part of my slowness is due to my chronic pain, and not being able to put in an eight hour day. After all, it takes time and effort to have a successful business.
Do You Want To Build a Website?
If you are thinking this is something you might like to do, then continue reading. If not, then stop here. Go back to your internet searching and making lists. That’s fine. No hard feelings.
But if you do want to be a website builder, then keep reading. First though, let me tell you why I chose this company. Or platform, as they call it in the business.
The platform is Wealthy Affiliate. The premise for the name is that you provide links to products within your website which when a purchase is made, pays you a percentage of the sale. You are an affiliate marketer.
The wonderful thing about the platform is it provides you with all the tools you need to build your own site(s).
Why Wealthy Affiliate?
This experience has become an online course for me. I won’t graduate with a certificate, but I will have created my own websites.
Wealthy Affiliate has helped me to do that. They have all the software you need to set up a website. Along with that, they have training for each step of the way. Furthermore they have a live chat where you can ask questions or just talk, and they have a question search bar.
I love everything about this platform. Not that it’s perfect, but it has provided me with what I need. See a further outline of Wealthy Affiliate here in my article Are You a Senior That Wants To Build a Website?
My part is to do the work. What does that involve?
Here’s my video about Wealthy Affiliate
You Must Work to Succeed in Business
This platform is not a get rich quick scheme. There is an opportunity for being a sponsor to new members, which is certainly a multilevel marketing concept. But you have to do the work to achieve anything in this business.
The main tasks you are responsible for is writing articles to post on your site. This is the best way to be successful at Wealthy Affiliate. And that takes time and work!
Which is why I said you should choose a topic that is of real interest to you. Some of the members are into fitness, so they have a fitness website. Another is an indoor plant enthusiast. One likes to travel. You get the idea? They write about their passion.
But to write about it takes research, unless you yourself are an encyclopedia of information.
Why I Chose My Website Topics
My first two sites were built out of a need rather than a passion. Then I began my third one based on a passion.
My first site is I was spending hours each week seeking relief from my pain. (I was also seeing traditional doctors.) I began to realize I could maybe benefit other pain sufferers and decided to share my research with them. Thus this site was started.
My second site is As a senior, I realized that many of my fellow seniors didn’t use the internet. I wanted to make it safer and easier for them to do so. So my second site came into existence.
My third site is dedicated to something I do have a passion for and a love of. I love taking baths! Hence my third site, I just recently started this one, so it is still in the building stage.
So you see, you can pretty much choose any topic! Just be sure you love it enough to spend lots of time researching, writing about and understanding it. And don’t worry about a topic being saturated. You and you alone will bring a new perspective to the topic.
How Your Interests Can Be Revenue Producing
Once you are established in your site, you can begin to earn revenue. This is primarily done through affiliate marketing. But it is also possible to earn by advertising on your site. You can also sell your own products. And with the Wealthy Affiliate platform, you can earn by sponsoring a new member.

Let me highlight each concept.
Affiliate Marketing
This is where you agree to a relationship with a company, say like Walmart, and create links to their products. If a person uses that link to purchase, you make a percentage of the sale. This should be part of your consideration when you choose a topic. Which in affiliate marketing is called a niche.
You can partner with companies to have them place ads on your site. If a person uses that ad to purchase a product, you make a percentage of that sale.
Sell Your Own Products
I have a friend who loves to crochet. She sells her blankets and makes a nice profit. So you can turn your hobby or talent into a product and sell it on your own website.
Sponsor a New Member
I know that the founders of Wealthy Affiliate are successful businessmen. But they do share the wealth by giving back to those of us that refer people to Wealthy Affiliate. New members who join and pay for membership through links provided in your website become your sponsee and you help them to succeed. You earn a percentage of their monthly fee.
In fact, if you click on the following image, it will take you to the place where you can sign up and get started. And I will help you to the best of my ability.
I hope you have learned that you can turn your curiosity into a money generating pastime. But remember, it takes time and work. On the other hand, the more time and work you put in, the sooner you will succeed. I honestly didn’t see any profit for a couple of years. But my pain and other health issues interfered with my goals.
However, now I know that if I persevere and keep at this, I will succeed. I want that for others as well.
Questions or comments are welcome. Leave them below.