So you want to know what is the Jaaxy Keyword Tool? Well, you’ve come to the right place to find out. Before I started building my websites, I didn’t know anything about keywords, tools for finding them, or why all that mattered.
But boy did I learn! So I am going to show you what I learned in hopes you will understand these terms. And explain why you should use Jaaxy as the go to tool.
What is Jaaxy?
Jaaxy is the keyword search tool developed by the creators of Wealthy Affiliate of which I am a member. We all call them Kyle and Carson. They created this great platform, part of which is the Jaaxy tool.
They emphasize keywords a lot. So they provided a tool to figure out how to find good keywords.
What is a Keyword?
Keywords are what a person enters into the search bar when they are looking for information.

Above you see that I searched for the easiest way to cook a butternut squash. The results showed a list as well as some nice images. So the keyword(s) there were, “easiest way to cook a butternut squash”.
Should you need more information about a keyword, see this Wikipedia explanation.
Why Do You Need a Keyword Tool?
If you are writing a blog, post or an article for a website, you want your information to be noticed. The way to get noticed to to have keywords that are recognized by search engines. This is called ranking; if the search engine likes your keyword, you will get ranked.
The goal for all of us is to be ranked on the first page of any search engine. Ideally we want to be in position one.
But how do you find keywords that are noticed? Finding this out could take hours, and requires skills that I certainly don’t possess. So if I had a tool that would help me to do this research, I would use it!
And that’s where Jaaxy comes in!

Why Should You Use Jaaxy?
If you are serious about your business, about getting noticed and recognized for your expertise, then you need to use Jaaxy. Jaaxy provides a wealth of information, and there is even a free version.
Yes, you can write about whatever is on your mind, but you need to include keyword research to be noticed. That’s why you need Jaaxy.
How Do You Use Jaaxy?

The above image is the screen I come to when I want to use my Jaaxy keyword tool. I’m actually still learning all the features, and at this point mainly use the search bar to find a quality keyword.
But you see that there are seven other features in this tool that are very powerful. Please note that the last feature, the Niche Keyword Lists is only available to paid members.
Here’s a screen shot of a search I did.

You see the results listed below the search bar. Not only do you get rankings of your keyword, or in this case, keyword phrase, but you get other suggestions for that topic. This provides you with more options to tweek your keyword if you don’t like the results you got for your first search.
But the rich information you get about your keyword is listed in the first row with those numbers. (I only clicked on one row to get information. You can click on them all by clicking Get QSR; then the other numbers populate.)
What do these numbers mean?
- Average – Is the average number of searches that keyword receives per month.
- Traffic – Is the number of visits to your website if you achieve first page ranking.
- QSR – Stands for Quoted Search Results which translates to mean the number of competing websites for that keyword.
- KQI – Means Keyword Quality Indicator, which ranks the words as either Great, Normal, or Poor.
- SEO – Which stands for Search Engine Optimization. The higher the number the more likely you will rank for this keyword on the first page. This score is based on Traffic, QSR and Competition.
- Domains – This lists the domains like .com, .org and so forth available for that keyword.
As you use the tool and become familiar with which rankings you need to succeed you come to realize the power of the tool.
Here’s a video showing one of the features called Alphabet Soup.
How Can You Get Jaaxy?
You can start using Jaaxy for free if you sign up for Wealthy Affiliate, which is free to join. You can check out the platform and the Jaaxy tool to see if you like the features. Click here to get started. If you decide to become a paid member, I receive a referral fee and will mentor you as best I can.
I have a paid membership with Wealthy Affiliate now because of all the features available to me. And one of the features is a free use of Jaaxy. There are upgrades available, but for now, the free version is all I need. I think once I become more advanced in my understanding I will need the upgraded version.
I firmly believe that information is power. That’s why Jaaxy is so helpful. I am constantly updating my posts as I learn more about keywords. Just writing this article has helped me understand Jaaxy better.
If you have questions about Jaaxy please comment in the form below. Or comment too! Perhaps you feel this article needs more information! I’m open to improving it with your comments. I wrote another related article about keywords titled What is a Keyword Search? Check it out for more information.
You Can Try Jaaxy Out Right Here!
Just type in a word or phrase that you want to check out and you’ll get search results back in seconds. You can see how powerful and helpful the tool is!
And here is a link to join the Jaaxy program if you prefer. I will receive a referral fee if you decide to get an upgraded version of Jaaxy.
Thanks for reading and don’t forget to comment, please.