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Welcome to our website. My friend (80) and I (69) have been researching a multitude of topics and interests. We hope our work will result in a source you can use to find answers for your questions.


Through our research we have found it takes patience and perseverance to find answers we are looking for. Some website posts may seem like they are answering your question, but when you go to it, they don’t give you the answer you need. It is our goal to give you straight answers.

If we recommend a product it is because we have found it useful. But if we don’t like something, you’ll know about that too. As senior citizens we realize not all of our demographic feels at home on the web. We hope to make it a little more friendly for our age group.


My friend (by the way his name is Johnie) has a few challenges that can affect seniors especially. He has type 2 diabetes. He is also legally blind. Thankfully there is a wealth of information about diabetes. And he has adjusted his iPhone screen so that he can read it and do research on his phone. Much of the information you will get relating to those two topics comes from his research. I think his story is inspiring in itself. Here is a guy who is legally blind but doesn’t let that stop him from researching online. On his phone no less!

I have pain issues, and have developed a site specifically addressing that. It is:

Please feel free to go there if chronic pain is something you are dealing with.

Otherwise, we know that there are numerous challenges that seniors face daily. Some that come to mind are mobility, loss of loved ones, managing paperwork, hearing loss, loneliness, and finding purpose in life at this stage. I’m just scratching the surface! If you have other concerns, leave them in the comments box. If it is possible to find answers, we will do our best to find them. Your suggestions will keep this website current and useful to all seniors.


As the website states, we want to be a resource of information to senior citizens. We hope to build a community here of not just providing information, but also friendship and support.

So leave a comment, question, recommendation or concern in the comment section and join us on this journey of providing help to each other.

All the best,

Barbara Heusser and Johnie Kline or